Retirement age in politics ???
I had always wondered as to why there is no retirement age in politics. If we take a simple mathematical average of the members of parliament, I am sure that the average age would be well past 60. The situation wont be different across the state assemblies. The most worrying factor is that more than 50% of the Chief Ministers are also well above 65 years. Its not only the old age that is a cause of concern. But the amount of time a CM/MP/MLA is able to spend for the people who had elected them is definitely much lesser as the age takes the toll on their health and many of the elected representatives spend a substantial amount of time in hospitals and taking rest at home thereby depriving the citizens of quality time.
In fact one of the oldest CMs of the country who has been in politics for more than 60 years is unable walk and is moving around in a wheel chair apart from spending most of his time in hospital. Though I completely respect the fact such a senior person's experience is very much needed for the country's progress, I would appreciate if the person becomes a consultant to run the Government rather than run the Govt himself. I hope the day when young people run the country is not far away !!!!